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Exam Preparation

Trainees in ST1/2 may or may not have passed the MRCS exam. It is required for progression from ST2 > ST3. Most ST3+ trainees will be happy to assist and guide through this process.  



The FRCS (Tr & Orth) exam can only be taken from ST7 onwards and all trainees are supported as they approach this final hurdle. However, trainees will only be put forward for the exam if they have a satisfactory ARCP outcome, sufficient log-book numbers and the necessary milestones achieved. 


Asides from the exam orientated regional teaching, ST3+ trainees are invited to participate in the annual MOCK FRCS exam. Trainees approaching the exam will be offered a place first and those at ST3/4, depending on availability. The MOCKs are held at Glasgow Royal Infirmary each November/December and offer experience of both the clinical portion of the exam and the Viva. The marking scheme is similar to that used in the exam and trainees are given individual feedback. 


Furthermore, all trainees are strongly encouraged to sit the UKITE exam, which is free to BOA members. This offers valuable preparation for the MCQ portion of the FRCS and helps trainees to assess their progress and performance. The results are not used for any other official purpose.  


An FRCS exam resource will also feature within the members only section of this website. 

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